The best way to promote your show is to share it with your family, friends, and coworkers!
Use the tabs below to find useful links and downloads you can use to spread the word about the great work you’re doing and encourage your people to come support you.

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Email Shannon at for help. 


Click on the linked text below to view and download the content.

Production Photos *When posting production photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Click on the linked text below to view and download the content.

Official Press Release

Show Link with Tickets 

Facebook Event Link

Rehearsal, Promo, and Production Photos *When posting promo or production photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Official Press Release

Show Link with Tickets

Facebook Event Link

The Rapidian Review

eightWest Interview

Rehearsal, Promo, and Production Photos *When posting promo or production photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Production Press Release

Show Link with Tickets

Facebook Event Link

The Rapidian Article Review

eightWest Interview

Rehearsal, Promo, and Production Photos *When posting promo or production photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography



Click on the linked text below to view and download the content.

Production Photos *When posting production photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Click on the linked text below to view and download the content.

Production Press Release

Broadway World Article

WKTV Journal Article

Revue Article

Show Link with Tickets 

Facebook Event Link

Social Media Graphics 

Promotional Photos *When posting promo photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Production Photos *When posting production photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Click on the linked text below to view and download the content.

Production Press Release

The Rapidian Review

Show Link with Tickets

Facebook Event Link 

Social Media Graphics

Promotional Video

Rehearsal Photos

Promotional Photos *When posting promo photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Production Photos *When posting production photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Click on the linked text below to view and download the content.

Production Press Release

Show Link with Tickets

Facebook Event Link

Social Media Graphics

Rehearsal Photos

Promotional Photos *When posting promo photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Production Photos *When posting production photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Click on the linked text below to view and download the content.

Production Press Release

The Rapidian Review

Show Link with Tickets

Facebook Event Link 

Social Media Graphics

Rehearsal Photos

Promotional Photos *When posting promo photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Production Photos*When posting production photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Click on the linked text below to view and download the content.

Production Press Release

Revue Review

MLive Article

Show Link with Tickets 

Facebook Event Link 

Social Media Graphics

Promotional Photos *When posting promo photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Production Photos*When posting production photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Click on the linked text below to view and download the content.

Production Press Release

Show Link with Tickets 

Facebook Event Link 

Social Media Graphics 

Promotional Photos *When posting promo photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Production Photos – coming soon *When posting production photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Click on the linked text below to view and download the content.

Concert Press Release

Show Link with Tickets 

Facebook Event Link 

Social Media Graphics

Production Photos *When posting production photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Click on the linked text below to view and download the content.

Concert Press Release

Show Link with Tickets

Facebook Event Link

Social Media Graphics

Production Photos *When posting production photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Click on the linked text below to view and download the content.

Concert Press Release

Show Link with Tickets 

Facebook Event Link 

Social Media Graphics 

Production Photos *When posting production photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography

Click on the linked text below to view and download the content.

Concert Press Release

Show Link with Tickets 

Facebook Event Link

Social Media Graphics 

Production Photos *When posting production photos please give credit to our official photographer, Ashlee Lambart Photography