New Staff Members Spotlight: 2020 Audience Development Apprentices

Getting to Know Lauren Froman and Ian Klahre!

By Noddea Skidmore

You both have such different Circle exposure thus far… Lauren, you’re familiar with Circle as a former volunteer and performer. Ian, you’re brand new to Circle. What makes you most excited about joining the team?

LAUREN: Aside from all wonderful and talented people, I am most excited about being involved with the back end of all things Circle Theatre. I love being a part of the magic onstage, but having the opportunity to be behind the scenes is something that I’ve always wanted to do. 

I was in Moab, Utah at Canyonlands National Park at what is called the Island in the Sky! Without a doubt one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen!

IAN:  I just moved to Grand Rapids so I’m most excited about getting to know and making myself a part of the Grand Rapids theatre community as a whole. Furthering my career as a theatre professional is pretty great, too!

Obviously, we’re all theatre lovers around here. What’s your favorite show?

LAUREN: THIS QUESTION IS WAY TOO DIFFICULT. I will say one of my ultimate favorites is Motown The Musical. I saw it when it came to DeVos Performance Hall about three years ago and I was taken back in time to the days of the Supremes, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, it was a DREAM. I grew up performing and listening to that music and I am literally obsessed with the whole Motown era.

IAN:  Through what must’ve been divine providence, I landed the last standing room ticket to the Angels in America revival in London with Andrew Garfield and Nathan Lane. Eight hours later, my life was changed. Special mention goes to my favorite musical, Bare: A Pop Opera which I’ve never had the good fortune to see live.

What Circle show are you most looking forward to in the 2020 season? 

LAUREN: I am really looking forward to Disaster! It looks absolutely hilarious and I cannot wait to see the talent casted for this show and how they bring it to life. 

IAN: I’d have to say Noises Off. I love me a good farce.

The one touristy photo I let myself take while studying abroad in London.

Tell us about your education!  You’re our first Audience Development seasonal staff in a while that have been this far along in your education and future careers.

LAUREN: I went to Grand Valley State University right here in West Michigan. I majored in Advertising and Public Relations and minored in Business! Through college I had many jobs and internships that ultimately led me to my love of community engagement, events, and the beautiful city of Grand Rapids. 

IAN: I graduated from Fremont High School in 2015 and now attend Michigan State University studying, of course, Theatre with a minor in Arts & Cultural Management.

What’s the greatest adventure of your life thus far? 

LAUREN: I would say the greatest adventure of my life thus far was moving myself out to Utah to work for the Sundance Film Festival. I did not know a single soul nor have I ever visited there before the experience. I hopped off the plane and I managed to get to know a whole new city, meet tons of new people and succeed in a job that I initially had little to no experience with. 

IAN:  Back in 2017 I was #blessed to be able to travel around the world TWICE. First I premiered a brand new play at a theatre festival in the United Arab Emirates and then later spent seven weeks in London studying theatre.

This was my debut show with Circle Theatre performing in the Saturday Night Fever Season Kickoff last year. Obviously, I loved it.
I got engaged this past October to my now fiancé, Jeremy!

What are some of your hobbies? 

LAUREN: Music helps me be a functioning human, I love creating it, listening to it, and performing it. I am a huge coffee snob, so you can definitely find me sitting in a coffee shop planning my future adventures. I love being outside and trying new things! I am big on attending all kinds of events, sports, concerts, musicals, poetry slams, axe throwing, you name it, I am more than likely all about it. 

IAN: Reading, running, geocaching, dying my hair, and knowing too much about the Oscars.

What are you excited to share with the Circle community? 

LAUREN: I am completely honored to be joining this amazing community in a new way and that I can’t wait to aid in providing wonderful experiences for everyone. 

IAN: My lifelong passion and love for theatre and maybe some homemade mac and cheese.

This is me training volunteers at ArtPrize! I have been with them on the Learning and Engagement team for four years. The organization really propelled me in to the Grand Rapids community and with that led me to the wonderful Circle Theatre.
My first appearance on stage as the apple seller in a production of Annie.

Three words to describe yourself… go.

LAUREN: Enthusiastic. Ambitious. Fearless.

IAN: Hopeful, Ardent, Dramatic (a copout but also very true)


You’ll find Lauren and Ian at special events throughout the 2020 Circle season like Season Kickoff, Opening Nights, Lobby Bar Nights, and more! Say hello and introduce yourself!