How did you first get involved with Circle?
I actually first got involved in Circle Theatre when I was in my pre-teens. I was in a show called My Robot Buddy. Children’s show. I don’t remember much about it, but I remember enjoying myself very much. My next official connection to Circle Theatre came in the mid-90s when I was in the musical Fame.
What’s been your favorite experience on the Circle stage so far?
My favorite experience on the Circle stage so far was probably the musical Nine. It was such a humbling experience to work with so many talented performers, all of them at the top of their game. In addition, it was a very emotional story that I felt very connected to. Plus, working with Rodney Vaccaro as director was an experience I will never forget, and always cherish.

How about as an audience member?
As an audience member, it’s hard for me to pick a favorite experience. One of the things I love about Circle Theatre so much is the diversity of productions that are presented. Especially in the last few years, they have really started taking even more chances, and presenting things that might not normally be considered at Circle.
What’s the funniest thing you’ve experienced at Circle?
The funniest thing I’ve ever experienced at Circle was performing in The Full Monty. We were doing our final dress rehearsal with an audience and at the end of the show—a pivotal moment where all of the main characters are, uh, baring their souls—all of the front lights on the stage, and the house lights, all came on. Needless to say, we were surprised, as were the audience members. It’s a moment of live theatre I will never forget.
How do you decide what you want to audition for?
This depends very much on a number of things. The choice of the piece, but more so the people I’ll be working with much of the time. The director, the music director, the other actors that may be auditioning. It’s the family of theatre that makes me come back time and time again.
What was it like portraying two very different characters in two separate shows in our 2019 Season?
Getting to do two completely different plays, with very different characters, in the very same season, was quite an experience. One of them being a farce, and the other one being a very really serious drama with comedic aspects, it was a bit of a shifting of the gears. But it was an incredible experience, both plays. Interestingly, both characters were cowards. So there was a common thread between them.
Circle Theatre audiences certainly recognize you on our stage as an actor, but what do you do when you are not auditioning, rehearsing, or performing in a show?
When I’m not doing theatre, I enjoy writing plays and films, as well as composing original music, which oddly enough, I have done for Circle on a number of occasions. That is one of my favorite things that I get to do. Being a frustrated film composer at heart, I love being able to add original underscoring to plays that might not normally have music as a part of them. I’m so pleased that Circle has been open to bringing in original composers to create music for their plays.

In your opinion, what makes Circle special?
What truly makes Circle special is the people. I know that it sounds pretty cheesy, but it’s true. Devoting the amount of time that we devote to creating a production together, enjoying the time you spend, and the people you spend it with, makes all the difference.
What advice do you have for someone who would like to audition for Circle, but never has before?
I would tell them to just do it. You have nothing to lose. And you’ll never be made to feel like you’re failing, or be made to feel stupid. It’s a safe space, as are all of the people. I’m so glad that I took the leap and auditioned when I did. It’s truly changed my life, and enriched it in ways I could have never imagined.
What is one word you would use to describe Circle Theatre?
Thank you to Todd Lewis for answering our questions and giving us an insight into his Circle experience! Look at our blog for more Performer Spotlights in the coming months.